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Jarno is a wingsuit pilot skydiver and base jumper

with more than 20 years of experience.


Specialized in wingsuit acrobatics, aerial cinematography and coaching, he is one of the highest ranking professionals in the sport.

His combined efforts with Jenna Gygi led the creation of coaching and training techniques for indoor wingsuit flying.


Jarno comes from a commercial background in 3D (character) Animation, Editing and Graphics.

In the competitive world Jarno has a wide range of experience and 1st place podium results and world champion titles, spanning all disciplines of Wingsuit Skydiving, Indoor Wingsuit Flying and Wingsuit BASE jumping.

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Jenna is one of the top acrobatic wingsuit pilots worldwide
in terms of experience, skills and coaching.

She has a broad resume spanning all disciplines of wingsuit flying, and was integral to the development of coaching and training techniques for indoor wingsuit flying.

She is highly regarded within the sport, with top competitive results in all disciplines and multiple 1st place finishes and world titles to her name.
She comes from a commercial background in media and advertising.
Jenna is also an experienced tandem instructor.
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Wingsuit Team FLB was founded in 2006, and was key in the development of the competitive Acrobatic Wingsuit format.
Organizing the first event in 2008, leading to acceptance of the format at the FAI/ISC in 2015. 
With the rise of Indoor Wingsuit tunnel in Sweden, the team was again at the forefront of acrobatics and flight development.
Involved from the very first phases of testing in 2016, up to creating many of the acrobatic moves and maneuvers that have since become the standard in instruction.
The team is FAI World Champions in Acrobatic Wingsuit Flying
and 3 time winners of the Indoor Wingsuit Championships.


We as wingsuit team FLB pride ourselves in always choosing what we fly for being the most safe and best designed gear possible.
These companies graciously help make possible what we do.
The quality of their products, company ethics and most of all, friendly attitude towards as a team, has led to a sponsored cooperation.
We proudly advocate their products, not due to them being free, but due to them being the number one choice.


1st Place World - IPC/FAI Wingsuit Championship 2021 - Tanay, Russia- 2 Way Acro

1st Place - French Nationals - Acrobatic Wingsuit Flying (Open) - 2 Way Acro

World Record - French Nationals - Acrobatic Wingsuit Flying (Open) - 2 Way Acro, Longest Sequence (32)

World Record - French Nationals - Acrobatic Wingsuit Flying (Open) - 2 Way Acro, Longest Sequence (28)
1st Place - Swiss BASE Performance Race 2020 - Jenna
1st Place - 3rd Acrobatic Indoor Wingsuit Competition 2019 - 2 Way Acro
1st Place World - IPC/FAI Wingsuit World Cup 2019 - Ravenna, Italy - 2 Way Acro
1st Place EU - IPC/FAI Wingsuit World Cup 2019 - Ravenna, Italy - 2 Way Acro
World Record - IPC/FAI Wingsuit World Cup 2019 - 2 Way Acro, Longest Sequence (26)
1st Place - 1st Swedish Indoor WS Nationals 2019 - 2 Way Acro
World Record - 1st Swedish Indoor WS Nationals 2019 - 2 Way Acro, Longest Sequence (71)
1st Place - USPA Nationals 2018 - 2 Way Acro
1st Place - 2nd Acrobatic Indoor Wingsuit Competition 2018 - 2 Way Acro
Guinness Record - Longest Indoor Flight in a Wingsuit - 6Hrs 29 Mins 41 Sec - Jarno
1st Place - 1st Acrobatic Indoor Wingsuit Competition 2017 - 2 Way Acro
1st Place - 1st Acrobatic Indoor Wingsuit Competition 2017 - 2 Way Speed
1st Place - 1st Acrobatic Indoor Wingsuit Competition 2017 - Proxy Tag - Jarno
1st Place - 1st Acrobatic Indoor Wingsuit Competition 2017 - Backfly Proxy Tag - Jarno
1st Place - Adrenaline Performance Competition 2016 - Goulburn, Australia - Jarno
Red Bull Aces - USA Wingsuit Race 2016 - Quarter Finals - Jarno
3rd Place - 1st FAI World Championships Performance Flying 2016 - Speed - Zephyrhills, USA - Jarno
3rd Place - World Wingsuit League (WWL) - Norway 2015
1st Place - Nationals Wingsuit Performance - Jarno
1st Place - Benelux Wingsuit Performance Competition - Jarno
1st Place – Finflock, WS Performance Competition, Finland - Jarno
1st Place – Jurien Bay WS Performance Competition, Australia - Jarno
1st Place – ‘Sundowner’ WS Performance Competition, Australia - Jarno
1st Place – team – Intl. Acrobatic Wingsuit Competition 2015 - 2 Way Acro
FAI World Record - 42 way Wingsuit Formation - Moorsele, Belgium - Lead/Organiser - Jarno
1st Place – UK Performance Competition 2014 - Cark, UK - Jarno
1st Place – Intl. Acrobatic Wingsuit Competition 2013 - 2 Way Acro
1st Place - USA Acrobatic Wingsuit Cup 2012 - Camera - Jarno
1st Place – Benelux Wingsuit Performance Championships 2011 - Jarno
1st Place – International Acrobatic Wingsuit Competition 2009 - 2 Way Acro


Jarno Cordia


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